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Navigating Arkansas Divorce & Family Law Issues

Navigating Arkansas Divorce & Family Law Issues - Jacksonville, AR

Divorce and family law matters can be extremely stressful, even when situations are resolved amicably. Unfortunately, it’s easy for situations to escalate when there is already tension, and you may need help resolving conflicts. If you’re considering divorce and you need guidance, this article will help you understand:

  • The best strategy to get through the divorce process when conflicts arise.
  • What you should do to prepare in advance if you are considering filing for divorce.
  • How working with a family law attorney can help you obtain better results for your family law case.

How Can I Reduce Conflict In The Divorce Process Or In Handling Family Law Issues?

If you are going through a divorce, we always recommend that you keep your eye on the ball and try to stay above any conflicts that may arise. If the other side provokes you, try to stay calm and keep your focus on working things out properly. This strategy will help everything progress much better.

It’s always best to avoid getting into a tit-for-tat situation. The other side may say something offensive, but if you respond in kind or get into an argument, it will go downhill fast. We strongly suggest that you ignore any intentionally provoking situations and focus on the business at hand.

Is It Best To Reduce My Exposure To The Courts When It Comes To Divorce And Family Law Issues?

If you can reach an agreement on your own, that is usually the best option. Litigation is expensive and time consuming. If you cannot reach an agreement, you usually have to go to court.

For example, imagine you and your spouse own a home that has $100,000 in equity. If your spouse tries to keep the house without paying you for your share of the equity, then you would need to go to court. But if you can reach a fair agreement, there is no real reason to have a trial.

Avoiding trial reduces both your litigation expense and the time that is spent. In addition, it reduces conflict and generally leads to healing a lot quicker.

What Are The Best Ways To Start A Divorce? Should I Talk To My Spouse Or An Attorney First?

It is probably wise for you to talk to an attorney first. However, it is also a good idea to tell your spouse that you are filing for divorce before you file. When you just hit them out of the blue with divorce papers, it often creates exponentially more conflict and rage.

It’s often better to notify them in advance that the relationship is not working and that you will be filing for divorce. You can let them know when they should expect to receive the papers. Keeping the communication lines open reduces conflict and acrimony tremendously.

What Should I Do To Prepare For A Divorce?

The main way to prepare for divorce is to gather as much documentation and information as you can. This way, you know what you are dealing with and what you are entitled to, and you can easily prove what the assets are and what your share should be.

What’s more, if there are problems with the other side, such as custody or visitation issues, getting proof can help your case. For instance, you could save texts, emails, or pictures that show that the other party is not a very good parent.

What Are The Benefits Of Temporary Orders And When Should They Be Used In Family Law Or Divorce Cases?

The usefulness of temporary orders depends on whether or not the parties reach an agreement quickly. If an agreement is reached right away, you do not need a temporary order because you can finalize the divorce as quickly as you can get a temporary hearing.

However, if it will be a long divorce, you will want a temporary hearing to get court orders for matters until the final hearing. This could include temporary custody, child support, possession of property, and other issues.

At What Point Should I Hire A Divorce Or Family Law Attorney?

It is wise to consult a divorce lawyer before you decide to file for divorce. Also, as soon as you decide to file, or your spouse decides to file, you need to hire a family law attorney to be protected.

How Can Your Firm Help People And Families Handle Divorce And Other Family Law Issues?

Our firm understands the divorce process and we know how certain judges handle certain situations. We can advise you on the best options and help you make a good decision.

Each judge handles things differently. One judge’s policy, for example, may be to divide the debts equally, regardless of the incomes of the parties. Another judge’s policy may be to avoid dividing the debts equally if there’s a large disparity in income.

One judge may allow child support to be waived in true joint custody cases, where each party has the child 50% of the time. Another judge may require some child support unless the incomes of both parents are nearly identical. Our firm usually knows how each judge is likely to treat your specific case, and we can build a strategy from this knowledge.

Our firm knows what approaches and what factors usually work in a trial. We can guide you on how to prepare for and be most effective in court to get the best results.

For more information on How to Navigate Your Divorce or Family Law Matters, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (501) 984-7567 today.

Knollmeyer Law Office - Family Law Lawyer, Jacksonville, Arkansas

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