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Dealing With An Impending Divorce In Arkansas

In This Article, You Can Discover:

  • The truth about child custody in Arkansas.
  • The difference between marital and non-marital property.
  • The grounds for divorce in Arkansas.

Dealing With An Impending Divorce In ArkansasWhat Are The Most Common Worries And Misunderstandings About Divorce In Arkansas?

The two most common misunderstandings are regarding child custody and property division. People often assume that mothers will get custody, but Arkansas law now prefers true joint custody. Additionally, people mistakenly believe that their spouse will get half of everything, but they only get half of the marital property, not half of the non-marital property.

What Are The Grounds For Divorce In Arkansas?

Arkansas is a “grounds” state with the only no-fault grounds being separation for 18 months or more. Most divorces proceed on general indignities, which include rudeness, neglect, and mistreatment that made the marriage intolerable. However, in most cases, the grounds don’t become an issue as both parties usually agree to the divorce.

What Is The Difference Between Contested And Uncontested Divorce In Arkansas?

A contested divorce occurs when the other party files an answer with the court opposing the divorce, while an uncontested divorce proceeds without opposition. In uncontested cases, the proposed decree is sent to the other party, and if they don’t file an answer, the decree goes through without contest.

Is There A Waiting Period For Divorce In Arkansas?

Yes, there is a 30-day waiting period after filing for divorce. This period is meant to give both parties time to reconsider their decision. While it is possible to obtain a decree after 30 days, it is more likely to take slightly longer due to court schedules.

For more information on Dealing With An Impending Divorce In Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (501) 984-7567 today.

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