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FAQ: What To Expect During A Divorce In Arkansas

FAQ: What To Expect During A Divorce In Arkansas Lawyer, Jacksonville City

In this article, you can discover:

  • How quickly a divorce can be finalized in Arkansas.
  • The factors that affect child support, alimony, and property division.
  • The importance of temporary hearings during the divorce process.

How Quickly Can I Get Divorced In Arkansas?

In an ideal situation, a divorce can be finalized in as little as 31 days.

When Does Child Support Begin In Arkansas? Can I Get Child Support During The Divorce Process?

In uncontested divorces, child support typically starts when the divorce decree is signed. However, in contested cases, you can request a temporary hearing for child support until the divorce is finalized. If the divorce is uncontested, the decree can state that child support is due from the date the case was filed.

What Sort Of Visitation Agreement Can Be Awarded Or Arranged In Arkansas?

Arkansas prefers true joint custody, where the parents alternate weeks; if the parties live close enough to each other for that to work. If they don’t, one parent will get primary or sole custody and the other will get visitation. However, parties can agree on other arrangements, from alternate weekends and holidays to switching every three days or dividing custody by school year and summer. If both parties are satisfied with the agreement, the court will generally approve it.

How Is The Amount Of Spousal Support Or Alimony Determined In Arkansas?

Unlike child support, there is no set formula for alimony in Arkansas. The primary factors are the need and ability to pay, along with other factors such as standard of living, earning capabilities, each party’s property, the length of the marriage etc.

When Does Spousal Support Or Alimony Begin When A Couple Is Divorcing?

Similar to child support, spousal support begins after a temporary hearing if needed during the divorce process. In uncontested cases, it starts when the final divorce decree is entered.

What Are The Factors That Might Affect How Property And Assets Are Divided In A Divorce In Arkansas?

Fault does not factor into alimony or property division in Arkansas. Factors affecting property division include the length of marriage, incomes of each party, health, ability to work, earning capacity, standard of living, and resources available to each party. Generally, marital property is divided 50-50, but in rare cases, the court may make an unequal division.

For more information on Dealing With An Impending Divorce In Arkansas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (501) 984-7567 today.


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